Posted by: ppernick | February 16, 2006

I should run to the store

Just last week I discovered I needed one ingredient for my mom to make her delicious chicken soup for dinner.  So, in order for me to run to the store (and grab a whopping 5 items), I drove 15 minutes on the highway, ran around the store for 15 minutes grabbing what I needed, then rushed back home.  However, as of today, I can literally run to the store and back home in the same amount of time…if not less.  Yes…IGA Village Foods opens today on Snoqualmie Ridge!  A children’s learning center is supposed to open end of the year, I believe; and the next exciting building coming to the Ridge is a King County Library set to open in 2007.  Feel free to check out other community news.

Tegan Time
Still staying under foot and guarding Simeon’s door.  We need to get her back to the vet soon and see how she’s doing.  Eventually she needs to have some dental work done :s.

Simeon Stuff
Ari took Simeon in for his 4 month wellness check – and a post surgery checkup.  I now understand why I’ve been having trouble keeping up with his demands.  Over the last 9 days he has gained 14 ounces to reach a weight of 12 lbs 8 oz!  Here we were aiming for 1 – 1.5 ounces a day.

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